Recently I was introduced to an incredible sim called The Nameless Isle. The brainchild of owner Baron Grayson it was formally the Sanctum Sanctorum sim, the name was changed to The Nameless Isle when the sim was moved to open sea in 2008.
After developing a theme for the Isle that he calles Unseelie, he set to work removing all builds from ground level. For the benefit of those that learn to build while watching others he has left the sim open to the public throughout the development of this breathtaking sim.Starting with a clean slate, he began to experiment with lighting and teraforming the land, the first steps to developing the forest and tunnels that will connect the various areas of the sim that he refers to as "Scenes". Along with his best friend Keith Extraordinaire who also owns a sim, ideas of themes that would merge the 2 sims together to tell a story was thrown around. Complete with costumes and hidden group scenes found only by questing and acquiring items to allow entry. So many possibilites. However sadly I recently recieved word that it is possible that this beautiful place will disappear from sl. Baron Grayson has been largely absent from sl since Dec 08 and it is said that he will be putting the sim up for sale and this place will be no more. So be sure to visit this place while you can. On the ocassions that I have been there I have seen come interesting things so I share a few of the snapshots that I got here ... enjoy! Photo Credits... TopPhoto:Anoron Hanson, 2nd Photo: Jorden Ragu , 4th Photo:unknown, 5th photo:Anoron Hanson